A Simple Truth ![](Assets/angel right.fw.png)
Blessed is the one that always seeks the silence of peace.
Peace is following the will of God without any expectations.
Restlessness is born when one fully knowing gives up his peace for immediate fulfillment.
Peace is giving your self complete faith to follow the truth that resides in your heart.
You cannot derive peace from an outside source.
You are bound to experience fear if you have chased peace outside your Self.
Desiring peace is wishing for peace the way you want it to be!
The truth is simple..........You are eternal, indestructible, and pure love............There is nothing in this world more powerful than the Self........... Nothing!
Lean on this truth and peace shall be yours..........moment to moment..........no matter what time brings to you.
Thoughts are born when you doubt this simple truth.
It is true that you are aware of this truth............it is true that you understand the truth............it is true that you wish to follow this truth..............But then what makes you fail? You fail because you wish for this truth to be bigger
than it is............you wish for it to be truer than it is...........you wish for it to be closer than it is............you wish for it to be simpler than it is...........you wish for it to be clearer than it is..........All of this misunderstanding comes in your attempt to know your Self..........Attempt to know your Self? Is that possible? You already are your Self...................You already are this truth...........It is not the Self that you have to experience..........it is the Self that you think that you have experienced to be you, that you have to give up............Then my sweet ones you shall be...........and in that being the truth shall speak!